Privacy policy

This section is dedicated to our Personal Data Policy. It will allow you to know the origin and the use of the information processed by Shape.Paris, in its capacity as data controller, during the consultation and the use of our website.

This document defines the way Shape.Paris uses your personal data and informs you of the measures taken to protect your personal data in accordance with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, amended on 6 August 2004.

1. Information collected

Shape.Paris is likely to collect your personal data, in particular via the heading "contact" or "my account", during an order or a subscription to the Newsletter.

The personal information collected for the purposes of online selling is mandatory, this information being essential for the processing and delivery of orders, the establishment of invoices and warranty contracts. Failure to provide this information will result in the non-validation of the order. Personal data also includes electronic identification data available on or from your computer (such as cookies or IP address). The latter make it possible to identify your connection terminal or the pages consulted on the site during your navigation and thus facilitate your subsequent navigations on our site. (See 7. Cookies)

The personal data are any personal information (in particular: login, password, name, first name, e-mail and postal addresses, telephone number) that the Internet users are likely to provide to Shape.Paris to create an online account on the site

The data collected is intended for the use of Shape.Paris. It is necessary for the processing and management of the customer's orders as well as for commercial relations between Shape.Paris and the customer. They also allow Shape.Paris to provide the customer with personalized services and to improve the relevance of the information offered to him. Shape.Paris is responsible for their processing. They can be transmitted to the companies and subcontractors which it calls upon to execute the orders and the proposed services.

we keep the data for a period of 5 years.

2. Sharing information

Shape.Paris is the sole recipient of the data collected.
Shape.Paris will only transmit your personal data to a third party :
- when Shape.Paris must share this information with its techniques to provide you with the service you have requested (for example, sending newsletters);
- when Shape.Paris receives a request from a judicial authority or any administrative authority empowered by law requesting the communication of this information in accordance with the legislative provisions in force.

3. Data protection

Shape.Paris strives to protect your personal data against damage, loss, misappropriation, intrusion, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

4. Personal law

In accordance with the law of January 6, 1978, the user has a right of access, rectification, modification and deletion of data concerning him. The user can expressly oppose the disclosure of his details. You can exercise this right by sending your request by email, by mail or by phone to the address below:

117 avenue Victor Hugo

5. Unsubscribe from the newsletter

The Site proposes free of charge the sending of Newsletter to which you have the freedom to subscribe. This newsletter contains information on the range of products or on new products. The customer can subscribe to the Shape.Paris newsletter and thus choose to be informed at regular intervals of the offers proposed on the site He can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the link provided for this purpose located at the bottom of each newsletter.

6. Update of the personal data policy

Shape.Paris may change the Personal Data Policy from time to time.
Because of the changes that may occur in the Personal Data Policy, we invite you to visit the "Privacy Policy" section regularly.

7. Cookies

Shape.Paris uses cookies to recognize the customer when he/she connects to the site. The customer can deactivate the use of these cookies at any time by selecting the appropriate settings in his browser. However, this deactivation will result in preventing access to certain features of the site that allow personalization of the services offered by Shape.Paris. When the customer browses the website, cookies from partner companies may be placed on the customer's computer. The purpose of these cookies is to identify the items consulted or purchased on the website and to collect navigation data in order to personalize the advertising offer that is sent to the customer outside the www. website.

Within the framework of this type of advertising partnership, Shape.Paris may be required to transmit to the partner data concerning the articles consulted by the customer during his or her navigation on the site as well as the nature of his or her purchases. The customer can refuse these cookies at any time by selecting the appropriate settings in his browser. This refusal will result in preventing access to certain features offered by Shape.Paris' partner companies.